Of course this website is worth a mention too.

Over the years this website has undergone several redesigns. All the older designs were using the CMS Wordpress.

In later years, my concerns about privacy and security grew a lot, which leads me to the current version of the website.

This website runs on the static html generator Hugo. Instead of having an online CMS, which interprets the code during runtime which adds a lot of potential security risks, Hugo compiles your website (which lays in form of .md files on your file system) into static html files, which then can be pushed to your webserver using sftp.

Due to the fact, that the end product (which lays on the webserver) is just purely static html, this is probably the most secure (and most efficient) way to host a website.

The current design uses my own custom design called Interstellar-Hugo, which is a fork of the hugo template Persian-Hugo, with lots of changes and additions (like the zoomable, tile based photo-viewer with svg overlays seen in the Astrophotography posts).